Translations for Print & Web

At MAGNUS, we specialize in providing written translations that are linguistically accurate and culturally appropriate. We place a priority on finding linguists who are accredited in the languages they use professionally. We also require them to be proficient in translating text for the healthcare, medical and insurance industries.

Whether approved by the US Department of State, State or Provincial Bodies, or professional associations like the ATA, you can trust MAGNUS to provide only the most qualified professionals.

We offer a complete range of services and capabilities including:

  • Management of large, complex projects
  • Complete document formatting, output and printing services in all supported languages
  • CAT (Computer Assisted Translation) tools
  • Culturally appropriate graphic design by talented and award winning artists
  • Survey & Research Support Services
  • Forms and Documents for bilingual audiences

To obtain a free quote on materials that require translation, click here.

The case for translated materials

Title VI: